Early riser's coffee and weather, 11 March


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning everyone

The wakey-wakeys pried my eyes open a while back so I've got coffee going. I made enough to share with you, my friends, so please don't make me drink it all on my own. I couldn't stand the jitters, if I did.

It's 36°F and clear in Rockville, leading up to a day where we expect sunny skies and a high of 72. It's no coincidence that I have a golf tee time, selected to cause the round to coincide with the warmest part of the day.

Before that, of course, some uke practice will take place.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning and thx Keith!

6˚c/43f, overcast, a coldsty breeze from the north pole.

Mrs Stu is home, sick with flu…Thank God I’m vaccinated.

A walk to test if my knee is up to it, in a bit.
Then just be available for the patient I guess.

@Peppermint May you heal quick! Burns are the worst..I was severly burnt as a kid, my eyelashes melted together, etc.,
So sorry you have to endure this on top of it all!

Have a good one!

We’re now in the season of amazing sunsets, almost unreal….from last night.

Morning all, and thanks Shakee, for the coffee.

Nice photo Stu! Quite Sunsetional!

-7/-11 and dark. Calling for 7C and sun / flurries. I'm not sure they have any idea what's going to happen.

Lots to do, and not enough time - said no rabbit ever.

Enjoy the day.

good morning all. thank you Keith for the coffee. 45F on the dog walk with a moon so bright it was hard to see any stars and not one cloud was out.
gym went well yesterday and when I got home I was told we are doing window screen's. wife had ordered all that we needed in supplies. so we did 3 screens and said only 14 more to go. we can do 3 or 4 a day. no need in killing our selves. with the weather being nice at 74F today might as well play outside. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Keith.

It's sunny and 26, rising to 62 for today's high temperature.
It looks like a real nice day is in store.

Yesterday, I missed out on the gym, but managed to walk 4.8 miles with our neighbor's dog. I still found ice on the triails, but managed to get around most of it.
Brenda mentioned going shooting, so we did that, later in the afternoon, and had dinner on the way home.

I'll probably head to the gym this morning, although I'd like to ski a bit at the local hill.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning all!
Thanks for the early hot start Keith!

Patty, I hope your treatments are going well for you and the pain is bearable!

Currently 54/78F a pleasant day with a light NW breeze.
Not that we’ll get to enjoy it, we’re on the road shortly, one last trip to help big sister out.
We’ll also stop by on our way north, to say good bye.
Enjoy your Tuesday!
@Peppermint May you heal quick! Burns are the worst..I was severly burnt as a kid, my eyelashes melted together, etc.,
So sorry you have to endure this on top of it all!

Have a good one!
I was burnt as well, at about 1 year old, I pulled a scalding hot cup of just poured tea down onto myself, my older sister ripped my sweater off and took the skin off my arms & chest with it. Still have those scars!
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Keith!

We have another "spring tease" day before the cold sets back in again tomorrow. Crazy transition season weather. Right now, the temp is -3°C/27°F with a feels-like of -8°C/18°F, but we'll see a high of 9°C/48°F with a mix of sun and clouds and sporadic rain showers today. I suppose whatever moisture accumulates will get icy as the temperatures drop again.
So, as is the normal procedure in our healthcare system here, if you're injured and need treatment, etc. after you're discharged from the hospital, the attending doc will give you a prescription for said treatment, with a file number. You have to send the prescription to a centralized service, where they'll open and activate a file. Then, you wait for someone from the "CLSC" that serves your area to call you and make the appointments for the treatment. In my case, I need to have the dressing changed every three days. Since the accident happened on Sunday night, I should have the first dressing change no later than Thursday, so I hope they call me today. Last thing I want is for infection to set in!

A "CLSC" (Centre local de services communautaires, or local community service centre) is a free clinic or hospital run by the Quebec government. CLSCs provide front-line healthcare and social services to municipalities and regions across Quebec. The service is great, once you get into the system (and provided there's no monumental backlog). You have to jump through a few hoops to get into the system to begin with, but once you're in, you're taken care of...and our healthcare is mostly free, so I'm certainly not complaining. The only thing I'll have to pay is a couple hundred bucks for the ambulance ride/EMT service. I'll take that over a $10,000+ medical bill any day.

Anyhoo, have a great day, folks. Stay safe and go safely.

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Good morning All, Thanks for the coffee Keith, STinner for the comics. I relate to the Lockhorns , spent a half hour in my shop looking for my glasses, only found them when I went to put on my helmet after getting my spare ones out of the tank bag. Weather 5 C , cloudy, wet and windy 8 mph Gusts 16 mph. Good day to stay inside but it is garbage day, so one more trip outside. Y'all's have a good day.G
Morning all! It's grey and gloomy out there, which fits with the day's forecast of rain. Currently 5C, the high will be 7C.

The replacement cartridge for my airbag vest arrived yesterday and I was able to get it switched out. Now the vest just needs power. And the charger is at work. Figures. Ah well, that means it's time to head to work at some point in the next day or so and load up on stationary as well. I still take notes with pen and paper so I go through a fair amount of both. I was using a tablet to take notes at one point but fell out of the habit. I should be responsible and get back to doing that but there is something satisfying about pen to paper. Unless it's a cheque for bills, that seems wholly unsatisfying....

Patty, I hope healing goes well and you get called from the CLSC asap. Dressings always struck me as a funny use of word for wound coverings. Like we're some sort of meal being prepared. Granted, there are, if Hollywood is to be believed, a plethora of alien species that would consider us food.

Hope everyone has a great day and doesn't get alienated!
"Aliens intended to abduct a human,
but returned him after he wouldn't stop
taking about his morning routine..."


3°/14°C, overcast, intermittent showers, combined with Sahara dust, great combo on the freshly painted Toyota hood...

office, springtime, thus all MFG and distributors release their new price lists...
and I have the joy of updating the article database for the various brands we carry: LG, Hisense, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Toshiba, Daikin, etc...
all units, controls, accessories... residential, multi, VRF systems...
dull, monotone, but kinda essential... cause when writing an offer during the year, I need only need to type 3~4 digits of the model and have it for selection in the pop up window...
price, performance data, dimension, noise levels...

Observing the news I feel grim satisfaction these days:

EV's are finally getting taxed... love it :cool:

A VW ID3 is a bloody compact, but weights 2 tons, thus does his share on wear and tear of tarmac, bridges and road infrastructure in general... € 514,-/anno seem fair...
And owners of Elon's "Swasticar" (Model Y) get nailed with € 950,-/anno... good... 535HP are supposed have a price... brilliant... :cool:

I'll have another cup to that... :coffee:

Morning Keith & All from overcast, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 38F, up from 29F and heading for 54F. No breeze yet, but later we are expecting the winds from the SSW @ 20 to 23mph. And the next scheduled storm is coming in on Thursday.

Well, I managed to get the engine out of the 05 frame.


I had to manhandle it to the ground, but that wasn't too bad.

Next, I'll roll the frame back outside so it can get a good cleaning. My parts should be coming from Partzilla soon, so I can start getting the 06 engine ready to go into the 05 frame.

But today, we have to make a run to ST George for a Costco run. Oh Joy!

Started of the day with boiled eggs, bacon, toast & OJ. Pepsi(or a Coke) will be had later.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Keith!

We have another "spring tease" day before the cold sets back in again tomorrow. Crazy transition season weather. Right now, the temp is -3°C/27°F with a feels-like of -8°C/18°F, but we'll see a high of 9°C/48°F with a mix of sun and clouds and sporadic rain showers today. I suppose whatever moisture accumulates will get icy as the temperatures drop again.
So, as is the normal procedure in our healthcare system here, if you're injured and need treatment, etc. after you're discharged from the hospital, the attending doc will give you a prescription for said treatment, with a file number. You have to send the prescription to a centralized service, where they'll open and activate a file. Then, you wait for someone from the "CLSC" that serves your area to call you and make the appointments for the treatment. In my case, I need to have the dressing changed every three days. Since the accident happened on Sunday night, I should have the first dressing change no later than Thursday, so I hope they call me today. Last thing I want is for infection to set in!

A "CLSC" (Centre local de services communautaires, or local community service centre) is a free clinic or hospital run by the Quebec government. CLSCs provide front-line healthcare and social services to municipalities and regions across Quebec. The service is great, once you get into the system (and provided there's no monumental backlog). You have to jump through a few hoops to get into the system to begin with, but once you're in, you're taken care of...and our healthcare is mostly free, so I'm certainly not complaining. The only thing I'll have to pay is a couple hundred bucks for the ambulance ride/EMT service. I'll take that over a $10,000+ medical bill any day.

Anyhoo, have a great day, folks. Stay safe and go safely.

If you don’t hear anything go back to emergency again!
I doubt they would turn you away!
Quebec healthcare is slightly different than ours in Ontario, we wouldn’t have to wait for the ok.
Morning all.....
Thanks for the start up.

Patty, so sorry to hear about the burn, heal quickly.

Been busy the last few days, ......I have skied 3 of the last 6 days. Most since 1982. And been on the hill 12 times so far this year......most since 1982.

Time for some R&R.

Hope everyone has a rr kinda day,
Thanks for the coffee, Keith. I saw the title "early riser's", and immediately knew I didn't qualify, so I drank coffee by myself while Kaiser sat quietly nearby.
Actually I hit Snooze about 4 times, so I truly did NOT qualify. In order to hit the office door in time, I had to forego my ST meanderings, but figured y'all would understand. But if you don't understand, don't worry about it, because it's not even worth it.
And as I'm in a genuinely chipper mood (broken chainsaw notwithstanding), I won't even share our lovely local weather conditions with you, because not everyone is as blessed as I am, and I wouldn't want to see you get all depressed just because it's so gorgeous down here. All you snow-throwers with your snow-blowers can just imagine what it's like. But again, you needn't bother, as I don't want to contribute to your winter-depressed doldrums or disrupt your calm. (You ARE calm, aren't you?)
Lest I seem braggadocious, please understand I'm not, because you all know I have no control over the weather, even if I do have control over the heat knob for my jacket and gloves. Or even the heated grips and seat on the GSA.
As I leave y'all with these random thoughts, I trust I've amply demonstrated my wacked-out, ADD-addled mind isn't just crazy in the mornings.
Have the best rest of your day that you're able, and if you chance to nap, I still wish you the best rest.
Don't lace those boots too tight, Patty. Fast healing while you hobble.
As you know, I like to treat these kinds of physical maladies with lots of ice. Add the brown water to your taste, until it suits ya. (Might take more than one to get the balance right.)
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Keith!

We have another "spring tease" day before the cold sets back in again tomorrow. Crazy transition season weather. Right now, the temp is -3°C/27°F with a feels-like of -8°C/18°F, but we'll see a high of 9°C/48°F with a mix of sun and clouds and sporadic rain showers today. I suppose whatever moisture accumulates will get icy as the temperatures drop again.
So, as is the normal procedure in our healthcare system here, if you're injured and need treatment, etc. after you're discharged from the hospital, the attending doc will give you a prescription for said treatment, with a file number. You have to send the prescription to a centralized service, where they'll open and activate a file. Then, you wait for someone from the "CLSC" that serves your area to call you and make the appointments for the treatment. In my case, I need to have the dressing changed every three days. Since the accident happened on Sunday night, I should have the first dressing change no later than Thursday, so I hope they call me today. Last thing I want is for infection to set in!

A "CLSC" (Centre local de services communautaires, or local community service centre) is a free clinic or hospital run by the Quebec government. CLSCs provide front-line healthcare and social services to municipalities and regions across Quebec. The service is great, once you get into the system (and provided there's no monumental backlog). You have to jump through a few hoops to get into the system to begin with, but once you're in, you're taken care of...and our healthcare is mostly free, so I'm certainly not complaining. The only thing I'll have to pay is a couple hundred bucks for the ambulance ride/EMT service. I'll take that over a $10,000+ medical bill any day.

Anyhoo, have a great day, folks. Stay safe and go safely.

I was away for a month and look what happens when I leave you to your own devices!

I have been away for a month and I am just now getting through the backlog of over 4,000 posts. I'm just seeing this now so if it isn't to late I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything, or help with anything, just holler.
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