Coolant at the water pump weep hole

Apr 22, 2012
Manteca, CA
'91 ST1100
Hello Everyone,

I need some advice. I just bought a '91 ST1100 with 74K. I am going to replace the timing belt, tensioners, clutch, a full tune with valve adjustment and carb sync.

I had noticed coolant residue by the weep hole before I purchased the bike, but I figured I would go ahead and replace the water pump while I am in the engine. One, they are expensive. Two, nobody has one to sell. Apparently, Honda discontinued this water pump. Right now I would pay the almost $400 for the pump for the peace of mind.

I also found the overflow hose at the radiator cap is bad and has been leaking.

I would really appreciate the input from those that have experience with these water pumps. Is it ok to run, or should I replace it?

If I need to replace it, where can I find one to purchase. I have tried dang near all of the online dealers that pop up on Google, and have phoned several of my local dealers, all to no avail.

The following are some pictures of the weep hole area and what I can see inside of the front cover with what I have taken off so far.

Thank you all in advance for any and all help you give, I really appreciate it.:bow1:





What about the hose fitting on the left side of the pump, and the extra o-ring? The '91 pumps don't have these. Do I get the hose and clips that hook to the hose fitting, and what about the extra o-ring?

I'm guessing that the 92+ engines have a breather port, and that the o-ring is to seal that. If that is the case, then I don't need either the hose, or the o-ring.

John, you made my day. Thanks.
Yes, the 92-95 water pump has the pass-thru port for the crankcase breather chamber not present on the unique '91 model. But this port does not contact the 91's engine case when installed. I know this from actual observation (Jim Neagle's R&R on his 91).
Excellent, thank you. Now I am crossing my fingers, I just added the water pump to my existing order, and they say Honda has it on back-order with no time estimation. Hopefully, they can locate one at another dealer if need be.

Thanks again.
I installed a 92-95 water pump on my 91 last year. And like John wrote, the by-pass port does not contact the engine or frame. I also picked up a rubber plug at an automotive parts store and put it on the end of the port.

Using the 92-95 water pump part number, I would ask your Honda dealer to do a parts search through other Honda dealerships to see if a Honda dealer has one in stock. A parts tech at my local Honda dealership told me they could do this.
Just heard back, the pump is on back order until May 15th. They did a search of other dealers, none available. No problem, I am just happy I can get one. In the mean time, I will do all of the other stuff I can until I get the pump.

Toolpen, I will get a plug.

Thanks guys, you saved me a bunch of stress.
No actual need for a plug. There is no opening into the water pump housing and timing belt area. I can dig up some pictures if necessary.
John, don't worry about it. I have seen the pictures you took on Jim Neagle's '91. Looks really good, I won't put a plug on it.

I should have done some searching before starting this thread. :eek:: I will do some research before asking questions in the future. I can see that there is a huge wealth of information here, just have to take the time to find it.:)
No actual need for a plug. There is no opening into the water pump housing and timing belt area. I can dig up some pictures if necessary.

You're certainly right. A plug is not necessary. I did it to dress off the open fitting. Nothing more than that.
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