Cardo PackTalk Bold (Review)

Dec 6, 2018
2002 ST1300A
So, as I'm going for a test ride (read: picking up my new-to-me ST1300) tomorrow, I figured I'd put up a review of the com kit that I've chosen to run with...

Before getting into it particularly, the big manufacturers in the arena are Sena and Cardo - there's others, but those are the main. I went for a Cardo unit for a few reasons:
  • Sena documentation is vague re waterproofing. Lots of online complaints of Sena units not working properly in the rain, and I live in North Wales, UK (where our annual rainfall is such that I don't look at the weather, I just assume it's "wet"). Cardo win's with it's IP67 certificate.
  • Both companies have an online support presence, but reviews suggest Cardo is more helpful than Sena. I've never talked to either, so I'm basing this simply on online PR impression - but if I ever do need to talk to support, I want them to at least be vaguely good.
  • I'll be mostly commuting, without any other riders around me, so I didn't need to worry about intercom with any particular brand (btw, "universal intercom" is largely a lie, unless you do it by Bluetooth... and supposedly the Cardo has a real life intercom range of 0.6miles... more than enough for me to talk to a pillion).
Right, then... Fitting...

I have a Schuberth C3, and fitting was only really complicated by me being hamfisted. I had to remove the Packtalk mount from the clip to attach the 3M flat sticky pad (the C3 has a lip that's a little too big, and I'd have had to cut the wind protector on the bottom of the C3 if I'd used the clip mount).

Remove the helmet lining, use the supplied 3M sticky pads to position earphones & mic, then add duct/masking tape generously to hold the wires in place, then re-insert lining. Job jobbed...

Power up test & pairing...

When I powered up & paired with my phone (simple process, well described in the Cardo manual), I found that I couldn't play streaming music from my phone. A little investigation showed the Cardo Bluetooth profile didn't support A2DP, despite Cardo saying it worked. No problem, I'm a Software Developer, so my natural instinct was "firmware update is probably going to fix that..." A little googling, and I'd signed up to the Cardo website, downloaded their tools, and updated/configured the Cardo to work using their website.

If you're less technically capable, and have to go through this, don't panic. It's normal for devices to sit on shelves for a while and the software teams keep working... Google the site, register, and do what it says on the screen. If anyone here particularly struggles, feel free to PM me and/or talk to Cardo support.

With the unit upgraded & configuration tweaked, I've setup the single touch call function to call my wife, enabled full voice control and set a button to open the Android Assistant on my phone (which means I can set navigation destinations without having to stop & get my phone out etc). A quick test call, everything appears to be working. A quick play of music (from the Amazon Music app), works like a charm now.

Voice control seems to work OK, I can say "Hey Cordo!..." followed by things like "call the wife" or "next track" and it does what it's told. Or I can say "Hey Cordo...OK Google, navigate me home!" - to which, in this instance, Google replied "Unable to find a route, you're already home."

One thing to note: There's two Cardo apps on Android... I found that one works, one doesn't. Cardo Connect (the older app) worked fine, Cardo SmartSet just told me that my device was incompatible (even after firmware upgrade), so that's been deleted...

For tomorrow's test ride, I'm planning a ride through the Peak District using the Cardo for navigation. Afterwards, I'll try podcasts & music with navigation through the Cardo while I ride home. I'll come back & edit this post with findings, and probably a couple of pictures....
Thanks for your review. A great shop in Troy, Ohio recommended the Cardo over the Senna for someone (me) who does not want to connect to a large party of riders, but wants to connect via BT to a smartphone & gps. The Cardo in their shop was quite a bit cheaper than the Senna, so it was not in their best interest financially to make that recommendation (but when I'm ready to buy a com device that's where I'll shop, regardless of cheaper online prices). Its interesting to me that Senna is way more popular around here, I don't hear much from people who own Cardo units.
I recently got the Cardo Packtalk Slim. It works great for the phone, music and talking to my buddy but I can't say much for the FM radio reception.
I’ve got a Cardo Scala Rider Q3 (bought in 2015) and I really like it. Durability seems very high and for playing music and FM radio,it’s fine but the antenna is very small (in fact, you can’t even see it) so range outside of large cities is a bit limited.
As an intercom, linking to others can be a bit lumpy, but once you’re connected, it is solid.
The phone function is good too.
I have not succeeded in getting the voice commands to work yet though. No trouble at all in wet weather.
I can't say much for the FM radio reception.


My problem with the Bold, is that it doesn't appear to have an easy "seek" function, so you have to know the exact frequency you want to listen to (and either type it into the app, or the website).
You can say, " hey Cardo next station" and it will search for the next strongest signal. Evidently, even though I live in the largest city in the state, we only have one station that it will pick up! Pretty much useless as a radio. Maybe your Bold unit will do better. I don't know what part of the Slim has the antenna in it, if it even has one.
True, I'll be riding mixed country side / motorway / near cities tomorrow, I'll make sure I find time to play with the FM radio & see what happens...
So, some riding done... listening to music is fantastic in the Bold when riding (mixed type of riding). The Bold has adaptive volume control, so when you slow down, it quietens, when you speed up, it pumps up the volume for you. That seems to work well.

Calling, while on the move, works just as well. Unfortunately, as I'm still getting used to the new-to-me bike, I neglected to bother faffing with the FM settings. I'll get to that.
I love the bold all except the Bluetooth unable to listen to the shared music. I was hoping to leave it in Bluetooth music listening to music and if we talked it would cut into the conversation. In the mesh mode this kind of happens but the music is so quiet you can barely hear it. I've had this probably for 6 months since i got it so i'm sure there is an update.

I love the speak to modes options. I texted all the way down to FL and back up to MA on my BUT run. Who says you can't text and ride!

i got the 12-13 hours of operations listening to music in my 22 hour runs.

when listenign to FM statiosn ans wanting to search the area you push the wheel into the helmet and scroll forward. this searches the airwaves for the available signal.
One thing to note: There's two Cardo apps on Android... I found that one works, one doesn't. Cardo Connect (the older app) worked fine, Cardo SmartSet just told me that my device was incompatible (even after firmware upgrade), so that's been deleted...

On the Google page for the Cardo SmartSet:
The SmartSet App is suitable for use with the following models:

• scala rider G9x
• scala rider G9
• scala rider Q3
• scala rider Q1
• scala rider Qz
• cardo SHO-1
• SRC-System V1.0
• SRC-System Pro
• LOUIS Special Edition

No mention of the PacTalk. Too bad, 'cuz it looks newer and more funtional.
I love the bold all except the Bluetooth unable to listen to the shared music. I was hoping to leave it in Bluetooth music listening to music and if we talked it would cut into the conversation. In the mesh mode this kind of happens but the music is so quiet you can barely hear it. I've had this probably for 6 months since i got it so i'm sure there is an update.

Maybe you DO need an update. I have the PackTalk Slim and I can listen to music over bluetooth with no problems while being in mesh with my pillion. As soon as they speak, it lowers the volume pretty low, but comes back up when they stop talking.
I love the bold all except the Bluetooth unable to listen to the shared music. I was hoping to leave it in Bluetooth music listening to music and if we talked it would cut into the conversation. In the mesh mode this kind of happens but the music is so quiet you can barely hear it. I've had this probably for 6 months since i got it so i'm sure there is an update.

Maybe you DO need an update. I have the PackTalk Slim and I can listen to music over bluetooth with no problems while being in mesh with my pillion. As soon as they speak, it lowers the volume pretty low, but comes back up when they stop talking.
As a test of this functionality, lacking a riding buddy with a Cardo unit... knowing the wife would be following me in the car, I knocked up a rough Android app (advantage of the job). With that installed on her phone, it allowed her phone to run in a dual bluetooth mode, so she could pair with the Cardo and the in-car kit.

I played the music on my phone (better data plan) and set the Cardo in bluetooth intercom mode (rather than their proprietary Mesh). Worked fine, the only problem was the BT range on her phone, which meant she could only hear music, and we could only talk when sitting at traffic lights. Still, better than nothing.

The music volume dropped when either of us spoke, and returned about a second after we stopped.

A word of caution for those looking at firmware upgrades...
You can say, " hey Cardo next station" and it will search for the next strongest signal. Evidently, even though I live in the largest city in the state, we only have one station that it will pick up! Pretty much useless as a radio. Maybe your Bold unit will do better. I don't know what part of the Slim has the antenna in it, if it even has one.
Firmware version 4.0 retired both Music Scan and FM auto tune - so neither will work on my Bold now. Not a deal breaker for me.

when listenign to FM statiosn ans wanting to search the area you push the wheel into the helmet and scroll forward. this searches the airwaves for the available signal.
And firmware version 4.2 retired the button mappings.

Apparently with 4.2, you get the Cardo Connect Android app...which is quoted as being "ALL-NEW"... seems to me they took a step backwards there. Pre 4.0 firmware will probably work with the better looking app.

You get more configuration options on the Cardo website, with their software installed on your computer (setting VOX thresholds etc).
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