Can you help to fix St1100 screen

Jul 23, 2008
Spain/ UK
As a newbie I hope that I am in the right forum, if not please guide me to the one that I need.
I have only had my 1991, ST1100 for a couple of months, and have not attempted any repairs...yet.
My problem is that a bolt has come out of the windscreen, (as you sit on the bike it is on the left side, top bolt), and it would seem that the ?nut? that I suppose should be on the inside to receive the bolt, is not in place. Looking at the plastic it seems like a BIG job to get behind it to place a bolt or whatever so that I can put in a new bolt. In the meantime the place where the bolt should go is allowing the screen to flap in the wind.
The question is do I have to strip half the plastic off, or can one of you guys suggest a quick fix?
Thanks in advance for any help that you can give me.
BILL - Sounds like a wellnut has gone missing if it is one of the five pan headed screws around the lower edge of the windshield. In a pinch, I've used a small grommet of the proper size and superglued the correct nut into the center. The other option would be to order some wellnuts from somebody like I believe the part number for the wellnuts is - 90111-KW3-003 some circles those are called "well nuts", I don't have a picture of them but several hardware stores and some auto part houses will have them as well. They are press-fit rubber with a upper lip that keeps them from falling all the way through the hole with a female threaded insert that your windscreen SCREW goes into. I can't remember what size it is right off....prolly 8mm or so.
Some one here has that spec, I just don't have access to it right now cause I'm at work, but they are not hard to find. Remove the windscreen and you can pry one of those out to get a size. And if one has let go I'd suggest ya best spend the extra cash and replace them all.
Cheers-n-ride safe
I replaced them all a while back, seems they are all holding, now. Such an idea....

Darn things are about $5 at the dealer, but it does make your windshield stay:) some circles those are called "well nuts", I don't have a picture of them but several hardware stores and some auto part houses will have them as well. They are press-fit rubber with a upper lip that keeps them from falling all the way through the hole with a female threaded insert that your windscreen SCREW goes into. I can't remember what size it is right off....prolly 8mm or so.
Some one here has that spec, Ed

Hi Ej
I am sure that I cannot get those in Spain, if you or anybody could give me a site, or a company so that I could order them by post it would be very helpful as I have enough trouble trying to speak Spanish, without trying to explain what a "well nut" is.

Thanks for any help you can give.:bow1:
Billy, ya ought'a be able to get'em at the local Honda dealer using the part number Phil provided. A new one has a shoulder at the upper edge, push into the apprpriate hole. When the screw is inserted the first time, it pulls a brass insert _UP_ into the rubber sleeve to create a ridge that keeps it in place.

The trick, when inserting the screw, is to _not_ push down or that upper rubber shoulder will push thru down into the fairing. I always use a screw gun, not a screw driver, to insert those screws.

You may be able find the well nuts at the Spanish equivalent of Home Depot (they are metric.) No one has been able to source them in the US thru a regular retailer tho they have been purchased in bulk somewhere. I bought a package of 25 several years ago and still have a few left.
BILL - Sounds like a wellnut has gone missing if it is one of the five pan headed screws around the lower edge of the windshield. In a pinch, I've used a small grommet of the proper size and superglued the correct nut into the center. The other option would be to order some wellnuts from somebody like I believe the part number for the wellnuts is - 90111-KW3-003

Hi Uncle Phil

Thanks for your help (and everbody elses) if I had read what you said properly I would have noticed that you said "Honda part number" which of course should mean I can get them anywhere.

Thanks again .
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