Brake Away Cruise Control

Have used different throttle locks in the past but never satisfied.

If you have the funds- I recommend the MC-Cruise for the ST1300.
You won't be disappointed.
It mimics auto cruise controls and uses an electronic servo to maintain the speed.
It is a great investment if you plan on keeping the bike.

Some like the Brakeaway, but seems overly complicated and expensive when you just need a throttle lock. I've tried several, and I like the Go Cruise the best, by a long shot. It's simple and allows you to accelerate as necessary and then drop down to the set position. Of course, it's only a throttle lock, so even small hills will slow you down or speed you up several mph.

Lots of discussion in the throttle lock forum...
I have the Go Cruise and a Kaoko. The Go Cruise is great because it's super easy to put on or take off and easy to engage. The Kaoko is in a box somewhere. Takes more effort to install because the bar end weight has a threaded insert in the bar end that must be removed. The Kaoko uses a set screw to adjust tension on the knurled pinky wheel that tensions against the throttle. Even on long rides where there is open road and opportunity to use either, I don't.
I have a Breakaway on our ST1300, a cheapo plastic 'split ring' on our ST1100 that I forget the name for. Both work the same, push the thumb lever at the speed you want and it will hold that speed....unless you come to a hill or crest one then gravity adjusts your speed for you. In that respect, all friction based throttle locks have the same function, just to lock the throttle into position. Both mine need a periodic adjustment, usually every six months or so or they will lose their hold.
Mine are used only when my hand gets tired and only for a few minutes at a time. Given the way they function, $30 vs $180, go with the less expensive.
There are others, ICruz is a throttle clamp that seems to hold a bit better than the cheapos. There are locks that replace your bar end weights also, costs are between the two I discussed. Check out the Dennis Kirk website, search on 'throttle lock'.
Note.....I edited the first statement, it was incomplete and didn't make much sense.
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Some like the Brakeaway, but seems overly complicated and expensive when you just need a throttle lock. I've tried several, and I like the Go Cruise the best, by a long shot. It's simple and allows you to accelerate as necessary and then drop down to the set position. Of course, it's only a throttle lock, so even small hills will slow you down or speed you up several mph.
+1 to all the above. Full disclosure: I've got a Go Cruise too and love it. The part I emboldened is a bit that makes the Go Cruise extra special. You don't unlock the throttle then re-lock it for an acceleration maneuver. You just roll the throttle on like normal and let it roll back to where you set it.

Need to slow down very quickly? Just roll off the throttle in deliberate fashion. Like all/most other throttle locks — when properly adjusted you can shut down the throttle even with the GO Cruise engaged should you need to. Just roll to Off.

The Brakeaway in an interesting piece of engineering but over-engineered and very pricey for a throttle lock... throttle lock... throttle lock... (Just echoing the above sentiment! :D
I bought it. I reviewed it here. Doesn't work well. Doesn't like soft or contoured grips. Vista Cruz just fine.
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