Battery Tender JR. thoughts?

May 10, 2006
Vancouver, BC, Canada
2010 Concours
Anyone tried this out / have one. I have the regular model but this is new (to me at least)

My bike is in storage in Dallas near DFW airport for the last 4 months and the commercial storage unit has no power so no choice but to let it sit. Battery is disconnected, and new last fall, but it will definitely need recessitation.

So i am headed to DFW in 4 weeks to pick it up my 2004 ST1300 and am looking for something to charge the battery while i am there dor 2 days before headed south ot Padre Island.

Since i am flying down, it is easier to buy a new charger than take my existing with me, lest it get confiscated at the airport.

Seen this during my research and was wondering if they were any good?

Anyone have one?


Battery Tender JR.
I have had that one for several years, works great for a bike.
I picked up the Tender JR for my ST1100 heading into the winter of 07/08. Worked great! I more recently stumbled upon a similar charger with the Black & Decker brand at Lowes for $20. I picked one up for our Elite 80 scooter. Uses the same in-line connectors as the Tender. I picked up another B & D version for the airplane I fly. The winter temps used to make for borderline starts at the airport. Not any more!
Thanks for the quick feedback

My wife and I ride 2 up on the ST so space is at a premium so the little Tender Jr. looks like a packable item.

It is actually hilarious when we do a car trip - we pack everything, but on the bike we have a sidecase each and a tailbag that contains mutually agree-able items.

Last fall we did a week trip and we are still married despite the luggage allotment

I use the Battery Tender Jr. on both 4-wheelers, my ST1300 and the wife's Burgman 650. I've been extremely pleased with their performance.

I use a Jr. on my 45hp diesel tractor and it starts even when it's below zero without the block heater on. Also have used one on my ST for years - no problems so far.
+1 on the Battery Tender Jr. If you look at cheaper chargers, make sure they will automatically adjust the charging rate and voltage. There are some basic "trickle" chargers that are fixed-rate chargers that will not properly maintain the battery like the BTjr will.
I've been using a small solar panel, from Harbor Freight, to charge my Vmax battery, which is now almost 7 years old. Seems to work well. The ST's been starting easier, so I haven't needed the booster yet, through this winter.
This is my first winter with my Jr. Works great and packs small. I mounted terminal connectors to the battery permanently so I just pull out the SAE connector from the whole in the side cover and plug in the Jr.
Comes in clear plastic. I think you can reuse it. If your battery is really low you might need that 2 days to charge it. The JR. only puts out 3/4 amp. the bigger one 1.25 amp.

I own one of each.
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