Are front ABS rings interchangeable?

I have been there and to answer your question - NO, they are not.
Not sure exactly when the ring/sensor design changed, maybe 2007?
They are not compatible as the sensor location on the caliper is not the same.
Though, the rims are compatible, meaning that they would accept any rings and would fit the matching designed sensors position and works properly.
I do not know about the rear wheel.
The rings were changed in 2008.

So 2003 (2002 in UK) to 2007 are the same.


2008 to 2017 (All)


All of the rear ABS rings are the same (I haven't seen any differences anyway)


Sorry, only picture I could find.
Maybe a silly question about the new ABS ring:
I'm curious about its diameter and the number of holes compared to the previous design with 'dots.'
Could this mean more digital data is being collected, leading to improved accuracy at low speeds?
Could that be the reason Honda upgraded the design?
The caliper bracket appears to have a longer arm for the sensor mount on the 2008 and later models. (The calipers were also redesigned at the same time so it may be the calipers which are mounted differently rather than the sensor being held in a different position.)
Yes they are on the wheel as I change rings depending on which ST 1300 I am putting the wheel on between my 2007 and 2012.
I believe I read somewhere back in time that the newer, stamped metal ring was less prone to getting clogged with debris than the earlier version. All those comments about fabrication and material costs remain valid too.

I do believe that the earlier version was less vulnerable to damage from careless handling while the wheel is off the bike for maintenance, tire changes, etc...
Actually the older cast version tends to crack and break easier than the stamped metal ones.
I’ve had several cracked ones come through the garage.
Most were damaged by the kids at cycle gear when either dropping the wheels, or leaning the rims against the balancing machine.
While the later model ones are cheaper to produce, they do bend when abused, but they don’t crack or loose teeth like the older ones do imho.
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