I have a GiVI top box on my 2003 ST1300.. I only got one key when I bought it.. Sooooooo I am trying to find some extra Key blanks to make some more keys- But the local locksmith doesn't have any blanks that are right.. Any ideas??.. Cheers Dave
I have the ST1300 top box and it seems to be the same key as my friends Givi (he has a rather small givi box though.) The blank is an iLco with X132 stamped on it. It may still be a different key than your Givi though.
I bought Givi blanks for my E 52 sometime ago, but I can't find anyone to cut them because the blank is made of steel and not brass. The three places I went said it would tear up their key cutting machine
i cut keys for my work all the time, and steel keys are a killer on the cutter, and at 50 to 100 for cutters i can see why they wont do it, but one thing u can do is if u put the cut key on top of the new ones and use a file to make a copy of the key, might take a little time but u will have copys then...
Unless you happen to file too much away and file the original key down too...4:
Same with my E55. Givi lists only a lock re-key kit for either one or three locksets. Still means you only get one key. I'd like a spare, so guess I'll give them a call.....If you have the newer Givi V46 Top Box, the key is a security key with a wiggly groove down the center of the key. You have to get a duplicate by key number from Givi.