22 hours and 1300 miles later! See what I did there? :)


I love my 2 wheeled therapy machine!
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Feb 21, 2022
Marysville, OH
2003 Honda ST1300
I'm trying to become the @Uncle Phil of 1300's.:D

Drove to Boone IA Friday, leaving at 1PM. Loaded at the 3 bikes at 7:30AM Saturday, left about 9AM. Rolled into the driveway at 10:30PM.What a marathon...

The 03 (Has windscreen, Non-ABS model) should be able to turned into a runner, supposedly has clutch issues and has a noise possibly in the driveshaft area. Has 113k on the cluster!?! The other bonus is an OEM silver topcase, which is in pretty good shape that I've seen so far, other than some garage rash.

The other 2 are ex AZ police bikes, one has a external combustion port on one cylinder!:oops: Apparently, the alternator was taken from that motor and installed on the 03.

Guess I know what I'm working on next winter!

PS, drove past what I presume is @Shuey 's hometown in Iowa! :rofl1:



What makes you think they are ex police bikes? Just curious
They look more like escorts due to the sub frame and handlebar switches.
Do you know what part of Arizona they came from?
What makes you think they are ex police bikes? Just curious
They look more like escorts due to the sub frame and handlebar switches.
Do you know what part of Arizona they came from?
PO said they were, only have a bill of sale for them. They have PA hand controls, and the one and only faring present on them has a hole where the crash bar was threaded through. And I have 1 (minus lid) rear "box" that I've seen in pics of PA bikes. The saddle bags have a sticker that was crudely painted over that says something related to Patrol use. (It's raining and I don't want to go out to the shed to look, lol)

Also, there's a 4 or 5 inch speaker screwed into the inside of the dash pod on the right side of both, and a smaller external comms speaker behind the left side of the dash of both of them.
Any idea who you purchased them from.
I have an idea where they came from.
The fellows name was Klaus, moved there from AZ apparently, as the 03 has an AZ title.
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