My wife and I just completed a trip from San Antonio, TX to Yellowstone N. P. We regularly vacation on the ST so we think we have become pretty efficient at packing. If this helps some of you out, great.
Probably the single most important step is selecting the right wife. I can?t help any of you there, but trust me when I say I have a much better wife than I deserve.
Here are the contents of the right saddlebag (mine).
The base includes the following: a ? three pairs of socks; b ? three shirts and one pair of pants (nestled behind is a small first aid kit); c ? four pair of boxers; d ? GSI Pinnacle Dualist (less the crappy utensils) with a gas canister stored inside; e ? cooking/eating utensils, salt/pepper shaker, dish washing sponge, microfiber dish drying cloth; f ? MSR SuperFly stove, MSR canister stand, lighter; g ? charging cords for Powerlet plugs; h ? fleece neck warmer
The lid includes the following: a ? cold weather gloves; b ? rolled up rain pants; c ? fleece jacket; d ? Sea to Summit large Tec towel; e ? Black Diamond Apollo lantern (stored in an Op/Tech Snoot Boot camera lens pouch-small size).
The left saddlebag is for my wife. It?s a mirror image of mine except instead of the cooking equipment, cords, and lantern; she carries the toiletries. Other than that, they are the same.
I purchased a rear rack from A Vicious Cycle ( It holds the following: The large green bag is a 55 ltr SealLine, Baja dry bag that contains two Thermarest Trail Lite pads (the old style rectangular shape), a Mountain Hardwear Megalamina 20 double sleeping bag with a liner my wife made from some old bed sheets, and two Thermarest medium compressible pillows. The orange bag contains a GoLite Shangri La 5 tent, a 9 ft by 9 ft tarp (used as a ground cloth for the tent), and a tent stake mallet. Behind the tent bag is a rolled up Nelson-Rigg UV-2000 cover. All are secured to the rack with ROK straps.
The tank bag is a ROADGEAR three-point sport tank bag. It contains my camera equipment (Nikon D70s body, an 18-70 mm lens, and an 80-400 mm lens), a Samsung Galaxy Tablet (great for entertainment in the evenings at KOAs), and a 20 oz thermos. All the electronics are stored in Op/Tech pouches. Check out their website for great storage ideas ( The side pockets on the tank bag contain spare batteries (camera and AA), extra flash cards, and a small AA Maglite.
Most of you guys already have your packing down to a science, but for the ones just starting out; I hope this helps or provides some ideas. Two-up camping off an ST without a trailer is possible.
Cheers to all.