
An Arizona Highway Patrol officer pulls over a Harley rider for speeding and asks for his name.

“Fred,” the old biker replies.

“Fred what?” the officer inquires.

“Just Fred,” the man responds.

In a good mood and thinking about letting the biker off with a warning, the officer presses, “Come on, what’s your last name?”

The old man sighs and says, “I used to have a last name, but I lost it.”

The officer, now curious and a bit amused, decides to play along. “Okay, Fred, how did you lose your last name?”

The biker leans back and begins his tale. “Well, it’s a long story. I was born Fred Johnson. Worked hard in school, got good grades, and decided to become a doctor. After years of study, I earned my degree and became Fred Johnson, MD.

“But after a while, being a doctor got dull, so I went back to school and became a dentist. Now I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS.

“Things were fine until I started fooling around with my assistant, and she gave me VD. So then I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS, with VD.

“The ADA found out about the VD and took away my DDS, so I was just Fred Johnson, MD, with VD.

“Then the AMA heard about it, and they took away my MD, so I was just Fred Johnson with VD.

“Finally, the VD took away my Johnson, and that’s how I became… Just Fred.”
To all of my neighbors: I don’t mean to be a Grinch, however...
To those of you who are placing Christmas lights and decorations
in your yards, would you please avoid anything that has Red or Blue
flashing lights together?! Every time I come around the corner, I think
it's the police. I have to brake hard, toss my margarita out the window,
fasten my seat belt, throw my phone on the floor, turn down my radio,
and push the gun under the seat. All while trying to drive. It's just too
much drama, even for Christmas. Thank you for your cooperation and
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