Have I told you how much I love Riding Colorado?

Weather was great today. My Son and Daughter took my wife (Their Mother) out to lunch and I went for a short 100 mile V-Strom ride. Rode across town via freeway to the turnoff for Deer Creek Canyon. Rode the canyon and chased a Alfa Romeo most of the way up until we got to some sand and gravel on the pavement from lasts week's snowfall. Figured I better slow down a bit and let him go. On into Evergreen and then up Kerr Gulch. From there I rode over to Buffalo Bill's Grave and then descended down Lookout Mountain and back across town. Great ride, only one picture at an Overview at Buffalo Bill's Grave.

(see link for the route)

After spending some time the other day, and giving the little X300 Versys some attention in the way of new expensive oil and filter, she decides to throw a fit and demand a new Battery. It seems as if these girlfriends of mine are never satisfied. So after dishing out 100 bucks she got what she wants. Out with the old Battery and in with the new. Now she is happy.....I think.

After spending some time the other day, and giving the little X300 Versys some attention in the way of new expensive oil and filter, she decides to throw a fit and demand a new Battery. It seems as if these girlfriends of mine are never satisfied. So after dishing out 100 bucks she got what she wants. Out with the old Battery and in with the new. Now she is happy.....I think.

Same price as a cheap date out on the town!
My Pre-Thanksgiving German Bakery Run

Today was probably the last Motorcycle German Bakery run that I will make this year. The weather liars are telling us that winter snows will be upon us this coming weekend. From now to the end of 2023, if I have to make the run again, I will be driving my truck. At around 08:30 I donned my electric moto gear and headed out on the hour and a half ride to Wimbergers Old World Bakery in Colorado Springs. (https://www.wimbergers.com/ ) Temps, riding down highway 83, were a bit cool. Around 46 to 50 degrees. Arrive at the bakery and acquired my three dozen German Brotchen (German Bread Rolls)


and a couple of German Berliners (Jelly filled, powdered sugar coated German donuts). From there I headed up to Woodland Park (elevation 8500 ft.) It was a bit chilly and I was glad I still had my electrics on. Make a right turn onto Highway 67 and motored on to Deckers for my mid-morning cup of coffee to go with my Berliners


Coffee drank, Beliners eaten, time to motor on back home. From Deckers I rode up Highway 126 to the village of Buffalo Creek from there I turned on to Foxton road that runs along the South Platte River and then up over and down Dear Creek Canyon and across town to home. Great ride, Relaxing 178 miles.
There were a couple of snowing patches on the Dear Creek Canyon road, in the shadows, and a little gravel, but all in all a great ride on the day before Thanksgiving. To all my Fellow motorcycle riders out there, ride safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving.


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Haven't ridden the little Versys over a month so I thought I take her out for a short 60 mile spin today. Stayed on the east side of town as I did not have much time and foothills are full of gravel and shadow icy spots. Went out east to our Front Range space Port :biggrin::thumb: Was surprise how spunky she ran with all 296 CC's

Took a short ride with the Big Versys yesterday to enjoy some nice weather and relieve some stress. Rode up to Echo Lake at the base of Mt Evans (Mt Blue Sky) Still quite a bit of snow at 11000 ft and some what chilly 37 Degrees at 12:30 PM.

Tons of bikes out here in pagosa springs! I noticed the river was higher and the water was cloudy. Spring is soooo close! Cant wait to head up your way!
Sad to say that today I had to break up with one of my “Girl Friends.” The Little Gray bike now gets to travel the Highways and Byways of Colorado with a new flame. Today I put her on the trailer and delivered her to her new boyfriend. It has been a good 6 and a half year relationship, but it was time to move on. Time waits for no one. I am hoping that the “Little Gray Bike” enjoys her relationship with her new boyfriend and they experience many happy miles and smiles together. I am now back down to three bikes, but have filled the void with a new to me Jeep Wrangler.

The little Gray Bike on it's way to the new owner


Paper work done and the new owner is all smiles.


My replacement for the little bike, to help with separation anxiety.

On Saturday I was able to get out for a 140 mile loop with the V-Strom. Stopped for lunch at the Decker’s Café and watched the bikes come and go for a while. Then headed out . Did not take any pictures today as I have a bunch of file folder pictures of the area. The attached pictures are from my files, but they are pictures along today's route.

SAM_5463 (2).JPGSAM_5465 (2).JPGSAM_5562.JPGSAM_5564.JPGSAM_6664.JPGSAM_6662.JPG
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Monday the beginning of a new week. What did you have to do today? I needed to start the week out correctly and GO RIDE. Looked in the garage and decided to take the Big Versys out to day. Was able to rack up another 150 motto miles for the month before the weather changes tomorrow and brings colder temps , rain and possible some Springtime snows. April in Colorado you know. Here is the route that I rode. I only tracked it on the west side of town, as crossing Denver is just not interesting anymore. Only took a few pictures today, too busy enjoying the twistys.


Well there comes a time when the Dues are due for being able to ride the great foothills and mountains of Colorado. On my last ride with the Big Versys the clock turned over 24,000 miles and a major service is due. So today I decided to dive into the innards of the "Flying Nun" and tackle the first valve clearance check along with all the other normal maintenance that goes along with taking care of my "Girl Friends". And I thought the FJR was a PTA. Not. I have lots of time and lots of patience. Well maybe not so much patience, but any way I will not be in a hurry to finish this up as I do have two other bikes to ride when the mood hits me. Here are some pics of my morning endeavors.

Got most of her cloths off and hung up in the background, as not to be stepping on them. Eight pieces of Tupperware hanging on the wall plus the tank on the work bench.


Finally got the air box off and now down to the throttle bodies.

From here it is time to do some reading of the manual and determine the next steps to access the valve cover.

Time to get the book out.
Ouch... the Super Ten was no fun getting the valve cover off, that looks similar, like the radiator needs to be pulled or tilted first. Unless you can slide it out from the side.. but then the crash bars need to come off.. ouch again...
At least you HAVE a "book."
Owners of some newer bikes don't have that option.
Here's looking at you, BMW.
We have videos and so far it's pretty easy.
I'm fortunate in having what I believe is the very LAST official BMW CD or DVD of repair / service for the 1250s in the USA.
One copy had been overlooked at a dealer out West, when they all had been told to send all copies back to Das Korp. Now it's mine.
Outside of having that, I reckon a LOT of 1250 owners (and later, the 1300s) will be leaning on JVB and his DVDs and videos.
Ouch... the Super Ten was no fun getting the valve cover off, that looks similar, like the radiator needs to be pulled or tilted first. Unless you can slide it out from the side.. but then the crash bars need to come off.. ouch again...
Yea , I pulled the rad because it make every thing easier and I can soak it over night and get all the bugs and dirt out of it. Also after fighting with wire harness and electrical connections was able to remove the valve cover easily with out removing the SW Moto engine guards. Tomorrow I will pull the spark plugs and start the checking the valve clearances. Hope they are is spec so I don't have to pull the cams. 50/50 toss up.

Tomorrow the work starts


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