em, highest points of country are still under deep snow) Lets say, highest point available on touring motorcycle? ))highest point
No Pic are you part of that group similar to Dr's without borders, tags without pictures....Honey Done
Well isn't that silly, taggers without photos. Got a new phone last week, there is a lot of stuff to set up apparently.No Pic are you part of that group similar to Dr's without borders, tags without pictures....
Well looky what I found over riding thru Milton today. The old bull off the China shop (Lee's building they tore down). It now lives out on HWY 184A at the Hayes Ranch.I was Bruced by Gmaps today. There used to be a "Lee's" building which is a former something shop that had a bull on top of the roof over in Milton I rode over and the building has been torn down.![]()
Under this new bridge is the old abutment and roadway support for FL State Rd 10 over the Intercoastal Waterway. New tag is your bike with at least three other bikes in frame.