MD: Tag

It's been awhile since I've gotten to go photo tagging and today was a beautiful day to Detour off and snap a photo of the Catoctin Mountain Growers greenhouse complex

The new tag is a bit farther North East MD and was quite popular with the local kids on Prom night!
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Wow... that's gonna be an all-day venture unless someone from PA swoops in and does the deed. I'm tied up for the next two weekends at least, so it won't be me that moves it in that time period.

You traveling somewhere, Steve? It surely was a gorgeous day for it. The NoVA tag isn't where you left it...
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Nice lunch stop in Westminster at Baugher's

Yes, I've eaten there on other occasions. Assuming the weather cooperates, I may have lunch tomorrow at the Vineyard Wine Bar in Havre de Grace, a place my wife and I stumbled on serendipitously two years ago while on a weekend road (cage) trip.

[EDIT 7/2: Blrfl and I got skunked today while trying to get to The Vineyard. Havre de Grace was in full swing, staging what must surely be the county-wide Independence Day parade. Lots of streets closed to motor traffic, pedestrians of all stripes milling about, antique vehicles of various sorts roaming around: lots of fun, unless you happen to be on a motorcycle and have an agenda... so we skipped it and went elsewhere.]
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Well it took me a while but I managed to get all the way to North East today to collect the tag from Gilpin's Covered Bridge, with Blrfl joining me for a day-long ride.


It's now back in the central area of the state at an historic Chapel and Cemetery (the date on the inscription over the door is 1846), although it is unlikely that Blrfl will be there to help with easy recognition:


And, this being the weekend just prior to Independence Day, it seemed especially fitting and proper to take specific note of the memorial markers in front of the edifice itself:


According to one website:

In the 1830′s, there was a settlement of houses and stores along Parr’s Ridge. During its early days, however, the settlement had no name. In the 1840′s, the Town’s few citizens felt the need for a church and education for their children, so in 1846, the Ridge Presbyterian Church was built and a private school was conducted in the basement for the next 20 years. This church building has been preserved and is now know as Pine Grove Chapel.

Mount Airy’s historic Pine Grove Cemetery includes the graves of civil war soldiers, townspeople and the grave of the inventor of the first digital computer, John Vincent Atanasoff.
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I wanted to introduce myself to Maryland, having moved here June 1, 2017. So I thought this would be a good place to start.
The six hour all back road round trip, including lunch, was pretty neat. Although rush hour on two-lanes... not so much.

Here's the old tag:

And the other historical marker not shown above.

Now for something from my neck of the woods.
New Tag. Not sure if it's been used before. Didn't have time to search through the MD Tag archives.


If somebody comes to collect the tag, let me know you're coming and I'll buy you lunch!
Or maybe I could ride along on part of the rest of your journey.
Looking for other MD ST riders to ride with occasionally.
A new player- GREAT!!! Welcome to Maryland, a state with a bit of nearly everything.

I'm glad you made the journey out to Mt Airy. You've now covered a tiny fraction of the very best MD has to offer.

Pretty certain I have been to that lighthouse before on my bicycle; all I have to do now is remember where it is. :)

Will definitely let you know when I am in the area. For what it's worth, I've avoided that part of the state because of the ugly, ugly traffic between my house and there; once out that way I know there are miles of quiet roads worth riding.

To date, given that the other currently-active players come from points west, I've made the decision to keep it within relatively easy reach of central MD so that it will not languish. According to my records, (a) your lighthouse has never been used as the MD tag so kudos for getting a new one in the game, and (b) it sat for over 800 days once in the days when the original poster was barred from moving their own tag. That rule has been recently modified, so maybe your area is more in play than it was before. It certainly will be if you elect to stay in the game.

Once again, welcome to MD and to MD Tag. Now, is there a "V" near you that could go add to the MD A to Z collection?
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A new player- GREAT!!! Welcome to Maryland, a state with a bit of nearly everything.

I'm glad you made the journey out to Mt Airy. You've now covered a tiny fraction of the very best MD has to offer.

Pretty certain I have been to that lighthouse before on my bicycle; all I have to do now is remember where it is. :)

Will definitely let you know when I am in the area. For what it's worth, I've avoided that part of the state because of the ugly, ugly traffic between my house and there; once out that way I know there are miles of quiet roads worth riding.

To date, given that the other currently-active players come from points west, I've made the decision to keep it within relatively easy reach of central MD so that it will not languish. According to my records, (a) your lighthouse has never been used as the MD tag so kudos for getting a new one in the game, and (b) it sat for over 800 days once in the days when the original poster was barred from moving their own tag. That rule has been recently modified, so maybe your area is more in play than it was before. It certainly will be if you elect to stay in the game.

Once again, welcome to MD and to MD Tag. Now, is there a "V" near you that could go add to the MD A to Z collection?
Maryland is ok, but Virginia is better[emoji4]

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Well, if by "better" you mean "bigger", I'd agree. And there are certainly some great places to ride.
I haven't done a ton of riding in Maryland, but I have been checking out the tags to see if any are in my range. Unfortunately I sit 30 minutes due South of DC so that means an average of 3 hours roundtrip on the highway minimum for most. I prefer the 2 lane byways. . Unmarked are even better!! I'm just partial to Virginia, born and raised. My experience of MD is pretty much 295/270/70/BW pkwy, but there are some pretty views and overlooks from 270 and 70!

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Once you get clear of the mess around Manassas there's lots of great riding, and some of the roads lead to MD. 287 crosses the river into Brunswick and becomes MD 17, gateway to central MD. If you can stand Leesburg, US 15 isn't horrid for a lot of its length. Lotsa nice roads around Harper's Ferry, too.

270 70 95 and BW Pkwy suck, in the DC area. Out past Urbana 270 isn't as awful. Inside there. it's just a way to get out of town.
I haven't done a ton of riding in Maryland ... My experience of MD is pretty much 295/270/70/BW pkwy ...

...which would be like a Marylander saying his experience of Virginia is 495, 66, 95 and 267. Not exactly checking out the best parts.

I've put two wheels in every Maryland county except Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset and Worcester and almost everything in Virginia north of I-64 and east of I-95. On the whole, I find Maryland's roads better-engineered and better-maintained than Virginia's, especially the two-lanes and back roads. (Not to say that Maryland is free of stinkers or that Virginia doesn't have its gems, because that's not the case.) My only big gripe about Maryland is the lack of an efficient way to get from Frederick to Cecil County which, as Keith and I found out last month, makes for a very long day.

In the interest of full disclosure, I grew up in Maryland and have lived in Virginia for the last 26 years.

Unfortunately I sit 30 minutes due South of DC so that means an average of 3 hours roundtrip on the highway minimum for most.

Ugh, yeah, that puts you in... what... Spotsylvania or King George counties? Not much of what you'd get to on the other side of the Nice bridge is going to be much to write home about; Maryland's better stuff is west of route 97. I live east of Leesburg, which makes getting to those parts an easy exercise.

...which would be like a Marylander saying his experience of Virginia is 495, 66, 95 and 267. Not exactly checking out the best parts.

I've put two wheels in every Maryland county except Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset and Worcester and almost everything in Virginia north of I-64 and east of I-95. On the whole, I find Maryland's roads better-engineered and better-maintained than Virginia's, especially the two-lanes and back roads. (Not to say that Maryland is free of stinkers or that Virginia doesn't have its gems, because that's not the case.) My only big gripe about Maryland is the lack of an efficient way to get from Frederick to Cecil County which, as Keith and I found out last month, makes for a very long day.

In the interest of full disclosure, I grew up in Maryland and have lived in Virginia for the last 26 years.

Ugh, yeah, that puts you in... what... Spotsylvania or King George counties? Not much of what you'd get to on the other side of the Nice bridge is going to be much to write home about; Maryland's better stuff is west of route 97. I live east of Leesburg, which makes getting to those parts an easy exercise.

I'm in Prince William County. I generally head west and/or South when I ride. . .I also ride in the Galax and surrounding area too, where my mom grew up. I haven't hit all of the counties in Virginia yet, I've only put 14,000 miles on my ST since I bought it last May so I'm still breaking it in.

I do agree with road condition in some cases. They'll fix some roads, when an adjoining road that is used more is in worse condition. . .

Sorry to hijack the MD tag. . I will now digress. . .

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
...My only big gripe about Maryland is the lack of an efficient way to get from Frederick to Cecil County which, as Keith and I found out last month, makes for a very long day.


EXACTLY!!!!This is why it took me 6 hours to do the round trip from eastern Harford County to Mt Airy and back. I also ran into this issue coming back from NC in July. It's crazy!
Route signs that say different direction than what they're actually going are getting me all screwed up too. Much different than in OH, where North means North!
A new player- GREAT!!! Welcome to Maryland, a state with a bit of nearly everything.

Once again, welcome to MD and to MD Tag. Now, is there a "V" near you that could go add to the MD A to Z collection?

Actually, there's one 2.5 hours away across some possibly interesting roads. But I'll have to wait until I get back from OH after Labor Day and get my new tires mounted.
This is why it took me 6 hours to do the round trip from eastern Harford County to Mt Airy and back.

I'm glad you said that- I had the wrong lighthouse... I was looking at Piney Point, way down in St. Mary's County. Wouldn't I have been embarrassed to get there and realize I was not at the tag after all!?

But NOW I am confident I have the RIGHT one in mind.
Well this is all exciting to catch up on. Keith, dam, I hope you are thinking of the right one. I'd go after it myself except I'm tied up with other riding commitments in VA until late September. And I'll just add that we're all blessed in MD and VA with some of the better maintained roads on the east coast and usually a couple of options for avoiding the superslab.
Keith, dam, I hope you are thinking of the right one.

I am as certain as I can be without actually having been to the spot. The CORRECT one can be verified using Google StreetView, whereas Piney Point could not. Plus, I caught the hint in DHall854's text as to where he lives. Piney Point isn't the right direction, or the right county.
Actually, there's one 2.5 hours away across some possibly interesting roads. But I'll have to wait until I get back from OH after Labor Day and get my new tires mounted.

If that is done, look for me in a couple of hours. I am headed your direction.
Of all days for you to reply, it had to be this one! Sorry to say, I'm headed to Antietam Park to meet some OH friends that are riding down.
Boy, I sure do wish I could have met up with you. Another time, for sure!
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