Old Enough To Remember?

I'm old enough to remember;

Hitest gasoline.
2 keys for the car.
Gapping and cleaning plugs as well as setting points.
Using seatbelts? :rofl1:
Drinking AND driving WAS legal in Texas.
Spam came with a key on the bottom of the can to open it (Hawaii food staple).
Im old enough to remember:
transistor radios
When you couldn't use a calculator in math class
Fire alarm boxes on neighborhood corners
When you had to memorize spelling lists
When if you did something wrong you got swatted at school....and when you got home and told your parents why you got swats at school you got swatted again
When almost all motorcycles had 3 speed tank shifts and foot clutches
If someone got caught drunk driving, the Police would make you park your car and then drive you home
Im old enough to remember pumping "regular" for $0.19 / GAL during a gas war and my Austin Healey Sprite would not hold a dollars' worth!
when there were Trading Stamps.
when the pump jockey cleaned your windshield, checked your oil and tire pressure while pumping gas for you.
when Mc Donalds burgers cost $0.15
when a kid would cut your grass for $1.00
I remember when my neighbors got a Color TV - all of the kids would go over to their house to watch it. It had a remote that basically had a squeeze bulb inside it and when you pushed the button it made a whistling noise and the channel would change one step. I also remember my dad telling me,"mark my words, gas will cost a dollar a gallon some day", it was about 29 cents per gallon then.
Does anyone remember dialing "popcorn" on the phone?
10 cent pops
Nickle candy bars
Sitting backwards in the rear of the station wagon facing the car that might rear end you
Cozy wings
In dash cig lighters and ash trays
Going anywhere we wanted as long as we were home for dinner
School bus stops where all the kids in the neighborhood got picked up and dropped off
Going to the movies for 25 cents
Vinyl records then 8 track tapes
Cars without power steering or disc brakes
Garage doors you swung open by hand and held open with prop rods
Lawn mowers with revolving blades and no motor
Hand held paper fans because there was no such thing as air conditioning

The first show I saw on a color TV was Bonanza. 1959 I believe. I still remember the map burning up and being amazed. My dad said we couldnt get one because they were too expensive.
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