Shoulder replacement.

Reverse replacement.
Reverse replacement?
So many thoughts colliding in my brain...

Pretty sure a reverse replacement means the ball-n-socket joint is reversed. The humerus has the "ball" part of the joint normally, and the scapula has the socket. They reverse this with the joint replacement, the scapula gets the ball and the humerus gets the socket. Supposedly there is some advantage to this. Hopefully I won't find out someday....
I wonder how much time the recovery usually takes. And was it painful? My aunt is having the surgery next month. She will stay at our place until she can return home (she lives far from us and doesn't have anyone to take care of her). Though we always have some Canadian Pharmacy painkillers at home, it is always great to find out the possible scenario beforehand to have time to prepare properly and be ready for various situations.
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Full recovery for a should replacement takes about a year.
'Useful' recovery - I was using my left shoulder replacement good enough to have my right shoulder replaced less than 90 days later.
After both were done, I took a longer ride to Texas 4 months or so later on one of my ST1100s.
To be honest, when I first saw the subject of the thread I was borderline panicking, "Shoulder replacement? Has mine been replaced? And where exactly is it on the bike?? I don't want to get lectured by Larry that I failed to maintain it correctly!!" :rofl1:
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