Recommend a tire changer?

Skunkape and Uncle Phil, the Coats and Atlas look great, but I already can't affored the darn tires, so I better find a cheaper colution :).
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Welcome to the forum Jim.
As you can see by the above posts, there is a wealth of information to be had on this site.

Thank you for the welcome fnmag. Actually I was quite active here in the 2010 to 2013 time frame, got my 06 in 09 with 6K miles on it, and I went on a couple STOC rides in the West Texas (Big Bend) and New Mexico area. At the time my living situation did not provide a place to keep the bike at my house, and it went into storage, and by the time I bought my house, it had developed problems with too old gas. It's taken a while but I'm about done with my big garage workshop project and will have a good place to tear it down and fix it. Some people would hate the prospect, I am itching to start. Love working on the bikes if I have the space and time.

My old account was gone when I came back but I was able to re-register with the same username.

If you rode around Big Bend we may have done some twisties together.

A very belated thankyou for all the great answers and suggestions. Yes, the No-Mar is the one I wanted back then.

Nice to be back on STOwners, and recalling what a great bunch of folks populate these pages.

There are two on Craigslist in Bend, Or; and one sold recently in Bozeman, Montana (that's the second). Regarding your link to the Weaver company, forget the tire machines, I like the idea of a car rotisserie.
SMSW, how do you guys search Craigslist sites all over the country like that? I have to specify the city, and at that can only do pretty local cities.

Dang, sennister, that's what I call a complete answer. Can you wash and wax her too, and maybe give my Oleanders a little watering?

Thanks very much sir. Where are you seeing No-Mar kits for $399? I have not found a deal like that.


Not a problem. I just went through and posted links to all the stuff I have collected over the years. The only thing I didn't post links to was the spoons. Some are pretty basic. There is one that I have that is a little unique but I have no idea where I bought it as it was about 10 years ago. What I have works for me and I have changed a lot of tires over the years. Not only on my bike but for others around here.

As for No-Mar starting at $399. It was on their website. I have never used a No-Mar so I don't know how much more you would need or how the $399 one differs from the others. As I kind of mentioned, by the time you collect everything and modify a HF one you are getting really close to the price of a No-Mar. Based on that if it were me buying again, I would likely just go No-Mar to save from going through all the different places. Also I have seen No-Mar at the motorcycle shows as they rotate through in the winter around here. Not sure if they have a show price but it is another option.

Here is the link to the $399 one.

Skunkape and Uncle Phil, the Coats and Atlas look great, but I already can't affored the darn tires, so I better find a cheaper colution :).

The Coats 220 is a small very stout manual unit, not air or electric. The day after I originally posted there was one on either Craigslist or FB for $350. I also have the mounting bar for the No Mar and the Coats one works 10,000 time better.

Not mine, just an internet search.
I've been paying $20/each for tire change and balance for years. At that price, about $120 every two years on average, + the space requirement in a very crowded garage I think I'll just let others do the work.
SMSW, how do you guys search Craigslist sites all over the country like that? I have to specify the city, and at that can only do pretty local cities.

Google "search all craigslist" and you will get several hits.,,, etc. Some allow you to search the whole country at once, some by state. Try several and see which one works for you. I remember one called but it does not appear on page one of my search any more. Regardless, I did that search for the engines only a few days ago and it went very quickly. One caveat, sorting through the ads sometimes leads to 'ad withdrawn' (usually when you find exactly what you are looking for, but before you call up the whole ad') and some other dead ends.

I found that when I type in, I get my local listings only, and then I can switch to various cities w/in Ohio, but this is a different search from the all craigslist mode.
Like others bought the NoMar changer and balancer.. Paid for itself in the first year if you can count all the beers and companionship of buds . Total of 12 bikes and one car.

Only thing ever needed for the Nomar was a tie down strap. ( some of the Battleax tires (rear ) used to spin now and then on the mount... strapping down eliminated issue )
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