Hesitant in writing this

Excellent, great news!

I understand how you feel, we were told last December that my wife was cancer free!
That's great news!
My 61 year old sister passed away from brain cancer this past January after being diagnosed in April. She was a runner and health nut and one of the nicest people you would ever meet. It just came right out of nowhere! Make every day count because you never know what tomorrow will bring.
That's great news!
My 61 year old sister passed away from brain cancer this past January after being diagnosed in April. She was a runner and health nut and one of the nicest people you would ever meet. It just came right out of nowhere! Make every day count because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

So sorry for your loss.

Grabcon, so glad for your news.!!!!!!!

I have had a few losses the last couple years....friends mostly. But this why I am semi employed or under retired.....so I can try to live each day as I want.

Thanks for the updates.

Well June is here and last week Alex had his PET Scan. Wow, at this time he is free and clear of all cancer. One of the chemo drugs they gave him Bleomycin did however cause some scaring on his lungs. How bad is it? On a scale of 0 to 40 in March he was at 4.5 and as of the PET Scan he is at 2.5. As long as he keeps up a good exercise regiment that number should continue to drop and his lung capacity should continue to increase.

He now just as to check in every 6 months and life is good.

As we all know there are things in life that are truly life changing events. This for Alex, Anita and I this was one of those things. Alex will be getting married in November to his long time girl friend Erin. She has been by his side through all of this and has provided the support when we were not able to be by his side. For Anita and I we will never take things for granted and we will always look to the positive side.

Take care to all and thank you for your support through all of this.
Brad-how GREAT the news. Hats tipped to Alex. And congrats on his upcoming wedding.

Life can always throw you those little curves but we seem to always get through them. Carole is now a 15 year breast cancer survivor.
Blessed be. Thanks for keeping us updated and may Alex and Erin continue have a wonderful life together.
Fabulous news Brad! Congratulations to Alex and Erin and best wishes for a long, happy and healthy life together!

My last post on this topic was June 16, 2016 which is almost 5 years. Last week I visited my son Alex in Boston and he is still cancer free. He has made the 5 year milestone for being free of Hodgkins Lymphoma.

Thank you to all that have give your thoughts and prayers over the years.

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