California Scientific windshield

Feb 19, 2007
No. Calif
My '06 has had four different windshields now. Stock, Cee Bailey, Aeroflow (medium) and now Ca. Scientific (large). IMHO the CA Sci is the best of them.
The cee bailey put an irritating stream of air right into the face shield area at a variety of heights,and not good for the passenger. The aeroflow was better, but had more buffeting and back pressure issues than I liked. I kept experimenting with diverting or blocking air flow at different points on the shield and the laminar lip. Still not happy. Despite a lack of feedback about the Ca Sci windshield, I thought I would give it a try. I only live about 2 hours from their office, so I paid a visit to Mark Lawrence. He was quite helpful and we mounted the large size. In hot weather, I am thinking a medium would be better for more flow to my chest on the lowest position, but overall the large is the best for me at 5' 9". Greatly reduced buffeting and back pressure both. I am finally happy. He doesn't advertise, all word of mouth, so I wanted to post here with my results and encourage people to try his windshield.
PS He makes a small wind diverting clear shield for under the mirrors. It reduces the wind that hits the passenger dramatically. My wife said in the hot weather, she liked the extra air, so we will save those items for more chilly weather rides.
Said it before,,, and will say it again...

I could not have been happier with my Calsci shield I had unless trained Monkeys served me Ice Cream while I rode... :D

Hey Terry,
We keep training them....they keep eating the ice cream.:eek:

Hey Terry,
We keep training them....they keep eating the ice cream.:eek:


I would have been FAR better to go the conventional lines and had my Monkeys try and serve me Ice Cream already packaged...

Lets just say I still can not speak of the problems which raised it's ugly head when I was trying to get them to serve Soft Serve... :nuke1: :rolleyes: :hyp1:


We even already had a deal cut to make $,$$$,$$$ selling T-Shirts that went South too...


Sherob has now taken over the lead in having animals serving Ice Cream while we ride... He has made bold steps and it looks like he is just WEEKS,,, away from trying a "Live" trial run...

I have a large windshield I got frome Mark several years ago. Had to notch it in the lowest position so it would not hit the mirror housing.
Awhile back I was riding on a country road (not any trafic) and decided to do a U-turn in the road. Turned the handlebars to full lock, (I do have the Gen Mar handlebar risers on) and the windshield made contact with the front brake lever. Luckly no trafic, I went down like a rock! I did look around to see if anyone was looking! Went I got home I took it off and put the stock windshield back on.
Know anyone that wants a large CalSci windshield?

Mark must have changed the design since you bought your shield. There's no contact with the brake levers at full lock at all. I have risers too although they are Helibar.
Did a ride in last year in route to Russell Day-Long and Mark let my buddy and I install new windshields, took a test ride and have not taken it off since.

He recommended the medium for the ST and my buddy on an FJR got the large.

It is a great shield and I never have to look thru the shield anymore.
Hey All, I know it has been years since the last post and I am hoping this gets seen...

I purchased a Cal Sci tinted shorty for my 06' and am having trouble getting it to mount. Like the holes aren't lining up. I am wondering if anyone has some tips/pointers. The outside holes for the bolts (not screws) are the one's I am having trouble getting to line up, like the windshield holes are too close to each other by millimeters.

I will take any tips. PM or here.

Thank you in advance!
I will take any tips. PM or here.
Either your mounting brackets are on backwards or the shield is not the right on. Try measuring the distance between holes on your OEM shield and the distance on the shortie.
The first medium CalSci I bought for my '03 ST1300 many years ago fit perfectly. When I bought a new '09 ST1300A in 2012 I ordered a medium from CalSci, 2" shorter than stock. I had to Dremel two of the bolt holes because they weren't close enough to fit.

Sounds like CalSci needs to calibrate their hole template.

Good Ridin'
IIRC, the Calsci instructions say to flex the windshield slightly when installing it. This does not sound like its your problem. If your OEM fit perfectly, do what T_C suggested. I would be wary of applying too much pressure to the raising/lowering arms, they were not designed for sideways stress.
I just mounted a Calsci shorty windshield on my '04 ST1300 literally 4 days back and it fit like a glove. Took me a whopping 5 minutes to get the windshield installed, all holes lined up properly and I hardly had to flex the windshield to get the holes to align. Loving this windshield so much over the oversize Cee Bailey's that came with the bike.
Well guys,

I feel dumb honestly. I had read the instructions on CalSci's site, but clearly didn't read them read them. I re-read them and did as instructed.

  • Friday night, I bolted on the top two bolts and re-attached the plastic covers (with the stock screws)
    • I left it like this over night and through the entire next day. (Saturday)
  • Sunday morning, removed the plastic covers and the bottom two bolts fit on there perfectly.
    • note that they were a bit tight, but didn't have to fight them to get them in and tight.
  • Re-placed the plastic covers and was good to go.

Sunday, I went for a ride, washed the bike at a high pressure self-wash station, and there were no issues.


(This is pre-wash)


(Post-wash at home)

I love the look of this windshield on the black ST. I never used windshields on my two Shadows before this bike, so I don't feel a difference between this new windshield and the stock one.


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