WoodSToc Aug 17-20, 2023 - Woodstock, NB

If you're still in de Nile, come to WoodSToc.

if youre in da nile. come to woodstoc.jpg

I'll see if I can find an old remnant of red carpet to roll out for you, Obo! At least figuratively, if not literally... After the many hours of hard work you put in to get your ST roadworthy once again, a bit of recognition could perhaps be mustered. To say nothing of your tireless promotional antics, wow!
General info:
As for the initial checking in, that's where the Ho-Jo staff will set you up with a room. I'm told folks will have rooms near each other, so no one gets lost. Assuming fair weather, we can sit a spell outside just to chew the fat. There's also space available inside at the pool area. After having a wee bit of a rest, when it seems everyone's made it to Ho-Jo's, I'm thinking we could go one exit further south on the hi-way to Murray's for a communal meal of sorts. Having sampled their food a number of times, I recommend it. Very convenient location, and everyone will want to top off their fuel to be ready for Friday.
So we have a handful of STer's already, and tomorrow we'll go for lunch. Meet at my house at 11:30. We'll take the van. This'll include Whisker Bill and Judy, Uncle Phil, myself, and Happy Rob, hopefully. Rob, address is 112Jules Drive. (7056449484) As well, I'll check with Kenny and Blaine...
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