Thursday 21 March - coffee and weather (in that order)

Good call on the joints, but also realized later I had made presumptions about the "plywood" you mentioned.
In my haste (and time away from real woodworking) I didn't even think of the various grades of plywood, and obviously there are many more options than the rough cut, coarse exterior and contractor grades. I've actually used birch plywood in the past for bookshelves and such.
Discussions of your project in our meeting this morning resulted in our CEO reminding me of my shortsighted remarks, as David is quite the accomplished craftsman and is continually building things for his home.
Closets, furniture, benches, shelves, planter boxes, and much more.
His freestanding workshop is a marvel in itself.
Certain plywoods are, in fact, conducive and compatible with many router techniques.
Carry on.
I'm sure Mrs. Fun will be pleased, and your efforts will look amazing in its form and functionality.
I expected to see sewing hinges... those look like something befitting a piano.

The door hinges are, in fact, piano type hinges as you correctly noted. The "sewing machine" hinges are used on the two pieces of the top that flip open to expand the working surface. I'm still on the fence about whether I'll fill the mortises in and try recutting them using a different router bit and router guidance method. Another project to be executed on scrap wood before making the final determination.

I don't like the slop at the ends of this set of mortises. I feel like I should be able to do better. And in fact, one side (plate) of each hinge is not set back quite far enough, so the hinges project a bit from the edge of the wood. Sloppy. (Pay no attention to the screws: I'm using sacrificial zinc screws during construction. I'll replace them with nice shiny brass versions at final assembly.)

The other set are better fitted to their mortises (well technically the mortises are better fitted to the hinges, I suppose) but they're ever so slightly off-axis, and the error manifests over the length of the hinged piece to a noticeable misalignment of the hinged and fixed portions when they're closed.

Now I've done it: I've started revealing the warts. Dammit.
Looks great, leave it alone. Only you know. It functions
Stain it, finish it, use it.

Thanks Todd.

Only you know.

Except I've gone and blabbed to everyone here... :)

Works okay. I'll see how I feel about it when all the screws are in and there's no play.
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