Suits Suits you Sir.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Don't know if you get Oxford Kit in wee bonny US of A or the commonwealth outposts. Yes that's you @Obo. But in case you do.
A while back there was a discussion on this very forum about modern "Pro" fabrics now used in motorcycle clothing. I think it was either @Andrew Shadow or @spiderman302 who enlightened me, but I'm probably wrong.
After searching on Gor Tex Pro and nearly choking on my Glenlivet at the price, I decided to do a little research.
My old Hein Gericke Tour is looking a little sad but still performs just about OK, the real downside is its ability to hold about 50 gallons of water in its outer layers, this is a real pain when touring and not every b and b owner has a barn to hang it in. So what about the Pro garments.
I came across reviews on an Oxford Mondial Advance Series jacket, it also had a "Ride" recommended tag. So I read on, nothing bad was said about it and before daring to look at the price I placed my scotch on the coaster. Well knock me down with a feather it was about a half to a third the price of other Pro garments. One review stated he had ridden in the coat in all seasons without issues, it was warm, dry, well vented for summer and the coat felt "just as good as coats three times the price". And the really good point it was a laminated construction and no moisture soaks into the outer layers. Quick shake and it's dry.
So this week I managed to track one down to try it on and found that other than the sizing which was a little strange it felt really well put together. It didn't have a back protector as standard but level 1 and 2 were available and velcro into place.
Well it was ordered and delivered today (on a Sunday? Not normal in these parts), I haven't ridden in it yet but the back protector secures firmly into place and the coat on closer inspection is probably the best put together I've ever owned. It's very comfy although like I said I did order a size larger than normal. There are adjustment straps all over it and the collar hooks back with a strap when not in use.
The coat is an in between length not short or too long. Which is how I like them.
Top job. The jacket retails for about £270.00 and the better back protector was discounted down to £20.00 or thereabouts.
For anyone in the UK in the market for a new coat some of the older colours are well discounted but unfortunately they weren't available in my size.
I'll include a lousy picture just because.
You could have just bought a raincoat to go over the Hein Gericke ... :rofl1:

But more seriously that looks like a decent bit of Kit. I'm sure Er'Indoors thinks you look smart in it too! Congrats on the new purchase. Now you just need to be able to put it to use, and not on the little Honda's out back either!
You could have just bought a raincoat to go over the Hein Gericke ... :rofl1:

But more seriously that looks like a decent bit of Kit. I'm sure Er'Indoors thinks you look smart in it too! Congrats on the new purchase. Now you just need to be able to put it to use, and not on the little Honda's out back either!
Patience is a virtue young Obo me o'd mucka.
Spring'll cometh, but not today it's blummin freezin.
Hi Ray, Have you tried reproofing the
Hein Gericke gear with Nikwax? Works well with my gear and I ride all year round.
It still ends up holding about three gallons of water Ecca, I've done the NikWax wash and proof cycle and it may help but it doesn't take away the fact that the fabric holds a lot of water. For day rides when I can hang it in the garage to drip it's not an issue but when touring it's a nuisance. The jacket doesn't let water through, infact I can't remember getting damp through it, but finding somewhere to dry it on the road is a PITA.
I hope I've just bought my last jacket.
It still ends up holding about three gallons of water Ecca, I've done the NikWax wash and proof cycle and it may help but it doesn't take away the fact that the fabric holds a lot of water. For day rides when I can hang it in the garage to drip it's not an issue but when touring it's a nuisance. The jacket doesn't let water through, infact I can't remember getting damp through it, but finding somewhere to dry it on the road is a PITA.
I hope I've just bought my last jacket.
Let us know how the new gear performs in a downpour please. It's nice to get consumer reviews on gear purchased by members.
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