IM-1 Lunar Lander Tracker

It's not a major mission... they're just dropping in for a snack.


Reminiscent of my favorite image from the Mars rovers:

Less frivolously, though, I watched the landing and the ensuing search for signal, up to the point where the head of mission made the announcement that the lander was definitely on the surface and intact and transmitting although the signal was very faint. My theory was that someone forgot to pack enough change for the pay phone and the lander had reverted to two soup cans and a string. A good friend of mine, who happens to be a huge fan of Blazing Saddles, put it best: "Someone go back and get a s**tload of dimes."
Fact is that they managed the autonomous landing... that counts...
The lander is packed with instruments, I wonder if they'll also simulate launch of the crew compartment & docking with the command module...
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