Hello, New to the Forum

Sep 2, 2021
Bristol, UK
Hello, I am new to the forum, if not the ST. Had mine for almost 6 years and still love it. Finally getting to the point where I am going to try some things to address the heat - bike is 10 years old, 53000 miles and I swear the heat has increased in the past year............

Anyway, I am aware of all the conflicting theories around what does and does not work but will be planning some work over the winter to see if I can make a difference. No doubt I will be taking advantage of the knowledge and experience on here.
Mike, Bristol, UK
Hello, I am new to the forum, if not the ST. Had mine for almost 6 years and still love it. Finally getting to the point where I am going to try some things to address the heat - bike is 10 years old, 53000 miles and I swear the heat has increased in the past year............

Anyway, I am aware of all the conflicting theories around what does and does not work but will be planning some work over the winter to see if I can make a difference. No doubt I will be taking advantage of the knowledge and experience on here.
Mike, Bristol, UK
I've chased this problem for 10 years now, trying all kinds of things. I have talked to many folks, including Larry ( Igofar), and I'm pretty thoroughly convinced there is no real "cure" for the heat of the ST. Here are a few things which I tried, which did NOT work:
1. The "Reflectix" cure- adding reflective foil type stuff to keep the heat from escaping. Not even close to a cure.
2. Adding a GW vent to the side of the fairing. No real improvement
3. Tuning it up, balancing throttle bodies, new thermostat, new coolant, clean radiator, get rid of Iridium plugs for regular Denso's,
4. Ceramic coat the headers, and wrap them in insulated wrap.
5. Ivan's FCE fuel cut eliminator
Probably more I cannot recall.

The only two things which really helped were a Baker Air Wing ( I made my own) and a bead seat cover . With those it was comfy enough to ride in the sunny southern summers.

I hope you come up with another idea!

Welcome to the forum!
Welcome aboard.
and I swear the heat has increased in the past year............
Climate change. :biggrin:
Here are a few things which I tried, which did NOT work:...
3. Tuning it up, balancing throttle bodies, new thermostat, new coolant, clean radiator, get rid of Iridium plugs for regular Denso's,
I bet your bike ran smoothly and loved you for that.

IIRC two things that were mentioned that helped were riding with heavy protective clothing (ex. Aerostitch, no shorts and flip flops) and using a bead rider to increase airflow under you. Also, riding with your knees away from the tank as opposed to hugging the bike with your legs. Someone posted adapting vacuum cleaner (from a shop vac) parts to make an air scoop (he called it a 'hillbilly cure') to direct air to his crotch area. It might have looked cool (to some folks, YMMV) but I think that like the flux capacitors bolted to a DeLorean, it probably did not change things very much.
Welcome, from Wales.

I can't believe that we have finally found an ST that has a heat issue, in the UK. Are you sure you're riding it fast enough?

(Sorry, don't take me seriously, most people barely even listen to me :D )
Welcome from Maryland.

Given the typical British climate, I'm surprised you're not looking for ways to trap the heat and channel it onto you. :) I've got nothing, by way of suggestions.
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